Ali Kawakita created NOCA?! to give a home to young people who were abused by their parents during their childhood. Working hard in farming or in crafts, they find their way to independence.
Kids’ Gardening: Cultivating Food and Life Lessons
Kids will love to help you out in the yardfarm!
Indiana Youth Learning Center Turns to Farming for Education, Neighborhood Revitalization
Growing Minds Educational Services is now providing food to a food desert area in Fort Wayne, IN!
Land Trusts Aid Beginning Farmers in Land Procurement
A chance for young farmers to get access to land!
10 Places to Learn to Be A Farmer Across the Nation
Find out where the best places to learn to farm are located across the country!
The Beginning Farmer’s Guide to Success
Find out how to start your very own full-time yardfarming business!
Peddling a New Model of Urban Farming
Bike-riding farmers in Orlando, Florida, are helping communities produce their own food—right on their own front lawns.
Africa’s youth and abundant arable land are a potential winning combination
Find out why youth and farming make such a good match!
New NYFC Report Finds Student Loan Debt is Exacerbating Farmer Shortage
Find out why the National Young Farmers Coalition is trying to get farming added to the public service loan forgiveness program.