The world’s largest rooftop farm, Brooklyn Grange, is inspiring the creation of more farms like it!
New Pittsburgh Urban Ag Law Passes, Boosts Options for Residents
Yardfarmers in Pittsburgh are now more easily able to add animals to their urban homesteads!
Downtown San Diego City College Farm ‘Not for Hobby Gardeners’
San Diego City College is teaching the next generation of urban farmers.
Pioneering San Diego Business Builds Urban Edible Landscapes
Want a yardfarm but need some help getting it set up? This edible landscaping company can help!
Grassroots Efforts Target Food Insecurity in San Bernardino County, CA
An urban agriculture movement in San Bernardino County, CA is combating food insecurity in the area.
Santa Clara County, CA Opens Doors to Urban Ag with Incentive Zones Act
Tax incentives for urban agriculture could start a yardfarming revolution in Santa Clara County, CA.
From Concrete to Green: Urban Agriculture Initiative Seeks to Transform LA River into Ag Oasis
Check out this great project that could transform the Los Angeles River!
Urban Farming and the Law: A Q&A with Great Lakes Environmental Law Center’s Nick Leonard
Find out if your yardfarm is legal!
Oakland Spring Rising’s David Grefrath Looks to Build Urban Farm Capacity in Bay Area
David Grefrath and other farming activists in the Bay Area are taking urban agriculture to a new level.
Food and Agriculture Play Significant Role in City of Los Angeles Sustainability pLAn
“We hope to get rid of ornamental lawns and put in more native plants.” -Matt Petersen, Los Angeles’ first chief sustainability officer
Rooftop Paradise
The demographic crisis is turning Gaza into a concrete jungle, green space is lacking. Rooftop agriculture is a small solution for a big problem.
D.C.’s First Commercial Rooftop Farm Opens
Land in D.C. is expensive and much of the soil holds contaminants, so these agricultural innovators decided to grow food on the roof instead!