Soil depletion is a major global problem, but you can do your part to help. Home composting programs could provide incentives for families to keep food waste out of landfills.
Grow. Eat. Repeat. Startup Sees Cash in Compost
Can compost be turned into a valuable business?
Pedal-power and Precision Revolutionize Food Rescue in Boulder
A local food rescue in Boulder, CO is getting unused food that would otherwise be wasted to those who need it the most.
Harvest Club Looks to Backyard Groves to Feed the Hungry
With so many people going to bed hungry, it’s a shame when food goes to waste. The volunteer-based Harvest Club of Orange County is trying to solve both problems by getting excess food from backyard fruit trees to those who need it.
How to Prevent Food Waste: 27 Tips for Community Leaders
We have a huge problem with the amount of food that just goes to waste. This article can help you cut down on food waste for your community.
These Entrepreneurs Are Using Technology to Turn a Profit on Food Waste
Creative businesses aim to get food that would otherwise be wasted into the hands of those who can use it.
New York City Newspaper Boxes Get New Life as Compost Bins
The amount of food that we waste collectively is staggering. Having accessible compost bins around your city could help put some of that food waste back into the earth as nutrients.
Food Waste is No Joke But It Can Be Fun!
Take discarded vegetables, go to a public square and mix all the ingredients with music and socializing: together Parisians cooks and enjoy their “Disco Soupe”.
Vermont’s Intervale Center’s Food Rescue Provides Fresh Produce for Methadone Clinic Patients
Check out this great program to stop food from being wasted.
Pickle Like a Pro
Make the perfect pickles every time!
If Everybody Hates Wasting Food, Why Do We Do It (And How Can We Stop)?
Learn how to use leftovers creatively and stop wasting so much food!
Looking Into Each Other’s Eyes
When homeless women cook for the public, the prejudices melt.