With time on our hands and food scarcity looming in the near future, there’s no better time than to grow a food garden.
From Empty Lots to Thriving Plots: Urban Farming Expert Explains What Works
Read about the benefits and misconceptions of urban agriculture programs in this interview with Raychel Santo.
Report: Surrounded by Farms, Missourians Go Hungry
Missouri is second in the country for number of farms but residents still have a major food security issue.
Vermont’s Intervale Center’s Food Rescue Provides Fresh Produce for Methadone Clinic Patients
Check out this great program to stop food from being wasted.
The City of Atlanta Hires First Urban Agriculture Director
The first ever urban agriculture director for Atlanta has plans to increase urban farming opportunities in underserved communities.
Seed Guardians
The inclusive, horizontal and autonomous network Red Semillas Libres Chile aims to preserve the cultural heritage that is our seed stock and to combat genetically-modified seeds and monocultures.
Students Grow Extinct Squash From 800-year-old Seeds
Find out about the importance of seed saving.
Los Angeles County Approves ‘Tomato Tax Incentive’
Check out this great urban initiative in Los Angeles County!
Africa’s youth and abundant arable land are a potential winning combination
Find out why youth and farming make such a good match!
Website Fights ‘Local-wash’, Reveals Which Food Retailers Truly Serve Up Local
This website will help you choose the best places to find local food!
Food Justice Truck Serves Up Fresh, Healthy Food to Asylum Seekers
Food truck offers discounts to hungry asylum seekers in Australia.
Gardening for Victory: One Battle for Urban Food Security
Read about how this Canadian community came together to battle food insecurity.