Enjoy this guest post from Liz Greene on her experience as a beginning gardener.
Matrix Gardening
Have you ever heard of matrix gardening? If not, find out all about it in this great article from FIX.com!
The Newest Strategy for Saving the Bees is Really, Really Old
With pollinators in decline around the world, conservationists turn to traditional farmers for answers.
Insect Hotels
Help out all of the pollinators that are crucial to our food system.
Mapping Study Pins Wild Bee Decline on Intensive Farming Practices
Why are our pollinators in such a drastic decline?
Trading Greenbacks for Green Lawns
What’s better than tearing out your lawn and replacing it with more sustainable plants? Getting paid to do it!
High, Not Mitey!
It’s far from a dog’s life for bees living on rooftops in Melbourne, Australia, free from the Varroa mite that has afflicted the rest of the world.
6 Open Source Kits to Kickstart Your Urban Gardening
Check out these great projects for urban farmers!
A Tale of Pollen and Empowerment
In Chicago, Sweet Beginnings helps people returning from prison learn how to make a living with bees – changing ideas about ecology and imprisonment along the way.
Bee battles: why our native pollinators are losing the war
Find out why the native bee populations are having such a hard time.
Swooning Over Swarms
Amateur beekeepers from the network Berlin summt! provide urban habitats for bees.
Bring Back the Bees
Learn about how to increase the bee population in your yardfarm.