Top Five Web Resources
These websites are excellent places to visit in order to get you started with yardfarming. The first three will help you become a yardfarmer even if you don’t have your own land or your own tools. The fourth is good for finding like-minded people in your area and the fifth is a government resource that is set up specifically for new farmers, with information on how to get started and how to maintain your own farm.
1) Interest in farming but no land to farm? Check out these yard exchanges. These databases will show you yards in your community available to farm.
2) Ready to start foraging in your neighborhood? Check out this global foraging map by Falling Fruit. (See example map below)
3) Local Tools has a database of tool lending libraries across the country. Even without owning tools you can get started yardfarming by borrowing from trusted local tool libraries.
4) Food Not Lawns has a mission to bring communities together through a project that converts lawns into gardens. It is a widespread movement with groups across the country. To get involved visit or start a local chapter in your area!
5) The USDA’s New Farmers website contains resources and tools for beginning farmers and ranchers to get started. They help you with education, land access, risk management, protecting the environment, and expanding your business.

This is an example of the Falling Fruit database. Each orange circle represents the number of places to forage in each region. Go to the website to zoom in on your area and start foraging!