Feb 162015

Starting out as a yardfarmer can be a bit daunting. If you are not quite sure where to begin, a great place to look is under the Resources tab. There you will find the top websites, books, and movies to get you started. If you are not quite ready to start your own small farm but still want to have access to fresh food you can check out the website www.fallingfruit.org. This site has a giant map of fresh fruit trees, berry bushes, and edible plants you can harvest yourself that are found across the world. The map is downloadable and open-sourced so it is available to everyone. It also has a list of public food spaces, food swaps, and food donations in your area. You are even able to add your own knowledge of locations to the map in order to share the abundance of available fresh fruits with the rest of your community. While you are gathering information and resources to create your own garden and become a yardfarmer, you can begin gathering and eating fresh, local produce today!


Photo Credit: Steve Harwood

 February 16, 2015  Posted by  Tagged with: ,

  2 Responses to ““Falling Fruit” Allows You to Collect Your Own Fresh, Free Produce”

  1. […] you can start collecting hand-picked, wild foods from all around you (also, check out this previous blog post on foraging). This chapter has information on wild plants (who knew you could make your own coffee and wine […]

  2. […] of information in the following chapters as well. There is a chapter on foraging, which we have posted about previously, including information on edible weeds and wild plants. There is also a chapter on keeping […]

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