As we get into the colder months, you may want to see how you can grow food all year round! Read the article for winter gardening tips based on where you live.
SHARECITY100: Exploring Food Sharing in 100 Cities
Editor’s Note – Explore how others share food and skills throughout the world with the the SHARECITY100 database. There are categories for urban gardens, food swaps, foraging and more. This […]
Make Your Meals Blossom With Edible Flowers: 4 Ways to Incorporate Flowers into Your Meals
Did you know that a variety of flowers are actually edible? If so, do you know how to incorporate them into your meals? Find out more below, and think about incorporating them into your upcoming Thanksgiving meal!
Best Food Preservation Methods for This Season
Do you ever have extra produce from your yardfarm as the colder months approach? Learn how to preserve them to enjoy throughout the winter.
Farming Formerly Vacant Lots, Urban Ag Program Grows New Farmers and Fresh Produce for Food Deserts
An urban farming project is providing access to fresh food in food deserts in West Sacramento, CA, and educating people to become farmers in the process.
What Is It About This Soil That Protects Plants From Devastating Disease?
Figuring out why certain soils keep plant parasites at bay could be a boon for agriculture around the globe.
What I’ve Learned as a Newbie Gardener
Enjoy this guest post from Liz Greene on her experience as a beginning gardener.
An App for Organic Produce
A new app is connecting farmers to consumers in Spain. The app simplifies order management, coordination between groups, and makes distribution more efficient by minimizing the carbon emissions caused by transport.
Public Food Forests on the Rise
Foraging is the simplest type of yardfarming! Luckily, public places to forage are becoming more common. Read more to get ideas on how to start a public food forest in your area.
South Carolina Teen Grows National Garden Organization to Feed Families in Need
Think one person can’t start a yardfarming movement? Think again. Seventeen-year-old Katie Stagliano has helped jumpstart 100 gardens in 33 states.
Backyard Bounty: How to Eat the Wild Plants in Your Yard
There may be more edibles in your backyard than you think. Next time you go out to weed your garden, you may be able to harvest them for the dinner table rather than tossing them aside. Read this article to find out more.
No garden? Five creative ways city dwellers can still grow their own
Whether it’s setting up your own small window garden or joining a gardening effort in your community, you can be sure there is a way for city dwellers to become yardfarmers!