With time on our hands and food scarcity looming in the near future, there’s no better time than to grow a food garden.
Everything You Need to Know about Pulses
Happy International Year of Pulses! Read below to find out why they are so great for you and for the planet. How many pulses have you experimented with growing on your yardfarm?
Hub-to-school: Vermont Food Hubs and Schools Work Together to Drive Localization of the Food System
Food hubs and schools come together to form a great local food initiative!
Living the Permaculture Dream with Farmer Phil
Looking for a children’s book that actually celebrates sustainable farming and reveals the problems with modern farming? Look no further than Farmer Phil’s Permaculture.
What should we eat now?
To create a more sustainable food system, perhaps we need to develop an “ecology of eating,” and return to eating what we can grow ourselves.
The circular economy’s missing ingredient: Local
A project called Plant Chicago is integrating “local” into the circular economy concept.
10 Steps Toward an Incredible Edible Town
Can you imagine walking down the street in your hometown and there is fresh fruits and vegetables available to you everywhere you go?
Buying in to Buying Local
Learn what being a locavore means to the economy, the environment, your health, and your community.