Two farms in Columbus, OH are increasing healthy food access for their local community.
Photo Essay: Community Gardens Change Lives
Community gardens have the potential to transform neighborhoods, bring healthy food to areas, and connect people through educational, outdoor activity. Shareable has put together a photo essay from community gardens around the world.
Capital Questions
The University of the District of Columbia is leading the charge to transform the food system in our nation’s capital.
Allotment Holders Cultivate Public Space
An interesting collaboration of a public radio, university garden experts, and volunteers transformed unused land into community gardens.
Faith Communities as Sowers of Sustainability?
Priests in East Palo Alto want to help their parishioners get out of poverty through yardfarming.
Alleycat Acres Puts New Twist on Community Gardens in Seattle
Alleycat Acres aims to “(re)connect people, place, and produce by transforming underutilized urban spaces into neighborhood-run farms.”
Pedal-power and Precision Revolutionize Food Rescue in Boulder
A local food rescue in Boulder, CO is getting unused food that would otherwise be wasted to those who need it the most.
Local Food Distribution Going Global
Ooooby, “out of our own backyards,” wants to make local food convenient and affordable everywhere. Read the article to find out more.
SoCal University’s Aeroponic Garden Challenges Food System Status Quo
This university’s aeroponic garden grows more than 2,640 plants in just 1,200 square feet, and uses 90 percent less water than conventional growing methods. It is used to teach chefs about biodiversity and different flavor profiles of plants.
Urban Foraging: The Ultimate in Local Eating
What could be better than getting fresh produce at your local farmers market? Getting it even fresher by picking it yourself!
10 Cities Pushing the Bounds of Community Gardening
Read about 10 cities that are taking gardening to a new level. Is yours on the list?
A Dream of 15 Years
The first Palestinian eco-village is coming to life in Farkha. Here, the agronomist Saad Dagher has found a community to make a shared dream come true: to live autonomously and in harmony with nature.