Editor’s Note – Explore how others share food and skills throughout the world with the the SHARECITY100 database. There are categories for urban gardens, food swaps, foraging and more. This […]
Public Food Forests on the Rise
Foraging is the simplest type of yardfarming! Luckily, public places to forage are becoming more common. Read more to get ideas on how to start a public food forest in your area.
Urban Foraging: The Ultimate in Local Eating
What could be better than getting fresh produce at your local farmers market? Getting it even fresher by picking it yourself!
Harvest Club Looks to Backyard Groves to Feed the Hungry
With so many people going to bed hungry, it’s a shame when food goes to waste. The volunteer-based Harvest Club of Orange County is trying to solve both problems by getting excess food from backyard fruit trees to those who need it.
Harvest Your City
Check out this great comic from FUTRUEPERFECT about harvesting food in your city.
Don’t Weed ’Em Out: How to Use and Benefit from Dandelions
Find out about all of the health benefits of dandelions!
Foraging For Beginners: Identifying and Using Edible Wild Plants
Not sure how to forage for edible wild plants? No problem! This infographic will get you started.
Climate Change Cuisine?
In a hotter, drier climate, today’s weeds may be tomorrow’s dinner.
Yardfarming in the City
Find out how to yardfarm even if you live in the city and have very little space!
The Backyard Homestead: A Must Read for Yardfarmers
Learn about The Backyard Homestead, a comprehensive guide to get you started with yardfarming.
“Falling Fruit” Allows You to Collect Your Own Fresh, Free Produce
Did you know you can start collecting fresh produce for free today? Check out fallingfruit.org!