A new app is connecting farmers to consumers in Spain. The app simplifies order management, coordination between groups, and makes distribution more efficient by minimizing the carbon emissions caused by transport.
Operation Food: Initiative Pilots Farmers’ Markets on Military Bases to Improve Healthy Food Access
Farmers’ markets on military bases are the perfect way to provide our Armed Forces with access to fresh, healthy produce.
Indiana Urban Farm Takes Whole Lifestyle Approach to Local Food
Growing Places Indy has more to offer than your average urban farm!
Peddling a New Model of Urban Farming
Bike-riding farmers in Orlando, Florida, are helping communities produce their own food—right on their own front lawns.
The Rise of the Farmers’ Market in America
Farmers markets are on the rise in the U.S. This article will show you why that is a good thing!
Can Small Farmers Make a Profit at Farmers’ Markets?
With the local food movement on the rise across the country, how can small farmer’s continue to make a profit at farmer’s markets?
Got Food? How Local Food Systems Can Build Resilience for Turbulent Times
Yardfarming can create resilience in agriculture.
A Realistic Look at the Future Market
What’s in store for grocery shopping in the future?