Spread the Word!


Thanks for your interest in and enthusiasm for Yardfarmers! Below are social media updates and a blog post that you can use to help spread the word and encourage those in your network to apply to be a contestant on the show. Feel free to adapt however you’d like!

Social Media


Are you a yardfarmer? Want to be on #realityTV? Apply now!  @yardfarmers #garden #millennials

(Agri)cultural revolutionaries wanted. Apply now!  @yardfarmers #farming #gardening


Do you have what it takes to be America’s Best Yardfarmer?

Are you a Millennial American who wants to help convert the 40 million acres of unsustainable lawns in the U.S. into yardfarms? To help increase household food security, provide new livelihoods, community resilience, all while reducing demand for unsustainable industrial agriculture? And do you want to do all that while being filmed?

Then apply now to be on the upcoming reality TV show Yardfarmers! Filming will be during the 2016 growing season with the show airing in 2017. Application details at @transformingcultures #sustainable #agriculture



Blog Post:

A chance to help save the world while on TV!

Excerpt: Do you want to help combat climate change, the obesity epidemic, factory farming, suburban sprawl, food deserts, all while on reality TV? Then apply to be on Yardfarmers!

  • Are you a young American between the ages of 21 and 30ish?
  • Do you live with your parents or would you consider moving back in with them?
  • Do you want to try to convert your parents’ lawn (and neighborhood greenspaces) into a workable yardfarm–one that can sustain you and your family either nutritionally or financially or both?
  • Do you want some guy with a camera following you around while you try to do this for nine months?!?

If you said yes to all those questions, then you should apply to be on Yardfarmers! Yardfarmers is an upcoming reality TV show that’ll follow six young Americans as they attempt to make a livelihood out of growing food in their parents’ yards, their neighbors’ yards, random street flower boxes, churchyards, school yards, vacant lots, cemeteries, or whatever spaces you can find that can be converted from useless ornamental lawn into a new source of healthy, local and sustainable food. In the process, they’ll be helping to combat climate change, the obesity epidemic, factory farming, suburban sprawl, food deserts, and get their family, community, and country ready for a warmer, more turbulent future. All while competing for the honor of being crowned “America’s Best Yardfarmer,” and, of course, a substantial cash prize.

What could be a more fun way to spend 2016? To learn more about the show and to apply, check out Yardfarmers’ call for contestants. Apply soon as this is a rolling application and will close once we choose our first crop of yardfarmers (though not before the end of July so don’t rush your video application)!



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